Holders who have had their $KLEE staked in Shibaswap this article is for you!
First and foremost, thank you for taking the opportunity provided by $SHIB to allow holders of $KLEE to stake and earn $BONE!
As we have performed a token migration, there is means for all liquidity providers to unstake their $KLEE and perform the V1 KLEE to V2 KLEE token migration.
As your SSLP is staked on Shibaswap, please see the below guide to have your V1 tokens migrated to V2 KLEE
Follow the process below;
1. Unwoof tokens from the Shibaswap pool KLEE/ETH (visit Woof, find the pairing for KLEE/ETH and above the withdraw button) then select “MAX” then “Withdraw”.
2. Sign the transaction which will appear to confirm the withdrawal of your tokens from the SSLP
3. Once the transaction is confirmed, you will see the LP Wallet balance per below
To view the LP wallet balance follow the step below;
1. Import contract address into Metamask or Trust wallet as a custom token
Once this contract is imported, as we need to then extract the LP tokens, you will need to perform an LP send transaction.
To do this, please follow the below steps;
2. Enter the Shibaswap LP Token (SSLP) inside of the wallet you have imported it to and perform a transaction to send the SSLP tokens, here it should show with the balance which was withdrawn from the pool earlier.
3. Proceed to make the send transaction to the below wallet address:
0x47373ad6971553F68807A81dDa187865f331635b (Note; this wallet is the original pool creator)
4. Once your transaction has been made and you have seen your SSLP tokens leave your wallet, please copy the transaction hash and email the following address:
Be sure to include the following information:
1. Wallet Address which you wish to receive V2 tokens to
2. Shibaswap SSLP sending transaction performed
3. Etherscan hash of your sending tx
Once your ticket is assigned, your V2 tokens will be calculated and sent back to the wallet requested in the support ticket.
Thank you for your contribution to the SSLP and your patience with the withdrawal process.