Less Time — More Rewards!

2 min readJul 9, 2022


It is an exciting time to be a part of the KleeKai project — The leading Play-2-Earn Ethereum blockchain gaming project is officially announcing an increase in their rewards!

KleeRun was Released in September, 2021 and is the projects flagship game which rewards players for their gameplay. When the project was released, the payout amount was fairly generous, offering players the ability to earn up to $8.43 USD per day!

To earn this amount players were required to hold $460.00 USD worth of Klee tokens in their wallet.

In June 2022, the projects core team performed a payout review, looking to give greater possibilities to reward players with a restructure of the payment amounts. The team has concluded the review and players will now have the ability to receive up to $10.00 USD per day while holding the $460.00 USD worth of Klee.

Earning is easy, no need to buy a special NFT or in game characters — Your tokens become your game pass!

Holding certain values of tokens gives you a daily earning amount — minimum amount to hold to begin earning is $23.00 USD!

July 2022, update of the Game Pass rewarding payments

Did you know you can play this application on the go, right from your Android device? Get it downloaded & start earning today! Click here — Download Now

Are you already a player and want to cashout your rewards in $KLEE, $ETH or $BTC? Visit the following URL and you’re good to go! klee.kaibaswap.com

Want to learn more about the KleeKai project? Visit our website and review our documentation!

Website — https://klee.games

