Create a MetaMask Wallet
$KLEE tokens are available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is a third party ERC20 (Ethereum) browser wallet, and the very best at that!
On Google Chrome, visit to download the extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android.
Send $ETH to MetaMask
Acquire Ethereum through MetaMask itself or transfer it to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance).
Visit KLEE Swap
You can currently swap ETH and other tokens for $KLEE on KLEE Swap, KLEE’s official decentralized exchange! KLEE Swap supports any ERC20 token.
Swap $ETH for $KLEE
Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $KLEE. Click Connect Wallet then Swap